社评 0412 美南电视环球剧场正式啟用

经过年来之装修和整理,美南电视环球剧塲今天起正式啟用, 这亦象徵我们為大休斯敦地区之文艺演出和文化交流建造一座桥樑, 也是我们多年来為社区文化发展之旅程碑。
美南电视今天同时庆祝我们建台二十二週年, 在科技创新以数位媒体引领之时代 ,為了搭上媒体变革之列车 ,我们毅然从传统纸媒加入了数位电视之潮流, 美南电视之成立打破了我们华亚裔无法进入主流社会之话语权, 多次休斯敦市长之辩论会都曾在我们的摄影棚中举办。
今天我们创建了美南电视环球剧场, 值此环球第一银行成立一週年之际, 我们将以金融和媒体之全面结合, 為推广文艺演出活动為社区作出贡献。
由杨万青博士领导之休斯敦民乐团及华星艺术团已经邀请到天津京剧梅派第三代传人曹馨月及青年要角王一及権守昌於四月二十六日作首演, 让我们拭目以待, 并為中美文化交流而喝采。
STV Global Studio Officially Opens
After several years of renovation
as an organization, the STV Global Studio is officially open today. This symbolizes our bridge-building efforts for artistic performances and cultural exchanges in the Greater Houston area, as well as marking a milestone in our journey for community cultural development.
STV is also celebrating its 22nd anniversary today. In this era led by new technologies, innovation and digital media, in order to catch the wave of media transformation we have decisively joined the trend of digital television from print media.
Over the years, the establishment of STV and its dedication to community involvement has clearly quietened any discourse of Asian Americans being unable to enter the mainstream of society. This is mainly because many important Mayoral debates, meetings and broadcasts of political and community importance have already been held in our studio.