社评0413 美南电视环球剧场揭开序幕

文艺表演 文化交流
今天中午在新装修的美南电视环球剧塲, 我们聚集了华亚裔及主流社区政商文艺界领袖, 共同见証此文化交流及文艺表演平台之揭幕, 為美南新闻集团走过四十五年之岁月增加光彩和荣耀。
我在揭幕式上首先感激多年来和我们共同走过之好友伙伴, 我们共同為这块土地贡献心力, 同时更加珍惜各族裔社区带来的固有文化传统為美国社会成為多元社区之表率, 也是国家进步之重要力量。
赫里斯郡前郡长、 国际贸易中心共同主席金诺威、 衣索匹亚驻休斯敦总领事克比地大使 、环球第一银行董事长 PK 朴、 杨万青博士、 杨德清会长、 方一川执行长、 鲍𡨴导演等分别发表谈话,表示对剧塲之支持和厚望。
来自天津之京剧团将於四月二十六日下午八时在美南电视环球剧埸举办首埸演出, 将為大休斯敦国际文化揭开序幕。
Grand Opening Of The STV Global Studio With Artistic Performance And Culture Exchange
Today at noon we gathered at the newly renovated STV Global Studio bringing together leaders from the Asian American community and the mainstream society to witness the inauguration of this platform for cultural exchange and artistic performance. This event added splendor and glory to the forty-five journey of Southern News Group.
During the ceremony, I expressed my gratitude to the friends and partners who have walked alongside us over the years, contributing their efforts to this land. We also cherish the rich cultural traditions brought by the diverse ethnic communities, setting an example for American society to become a diverse community and an important force for national progress.
We are Looking forward to the opera group from Tianjin making the first show on April 26, 2024. It promises to be an exciting show setting the stage for our renovated STV Global Studio.