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美南广场 / 董事长介绍




以色列在加萨走廊之军事行动持续引发全美各大学校园之示威风潮, 从哥伦比亚大学到南加大、 徳州大学及埃默礼大学都结集反以色列之示威群眾, 校方并请求警方协助逮捕了上百的示威学生, 造成自越战反战以来最严重之示威行动。

拜登总统已经和以色列总理唐亚胡通话, 希望尽快结束战事解决人质危机, 国务卿布林肯在结束对华访问之后已经前往中东,希望缓和以巴情势。

我们看到拜登总统目前国内外之处境非常艰难 ,尤其面对即将在十一月五日之总统大选保卫战, 如果以巴战事处理不当, 必然是对大选不利, 国内反以色列之呼声会更加激烈, 俄乌战争更是输不起之天大危机, 虽然美国已经拨款援乌, 是否有胜算还是未定之天。

俄罗斯总统普京即将访问北京, 对美国和其盟邦而言这是一项非常明显之挑战, 如果美国因而施出金融抵制, 势必引起世界经济贸易之重大危机。

总之,目前我们所処之国内外危机和难题, 真是让拜登总统非常棘手。

Wave Of Campus Protests Sweeping Across The United States

Israel’s military action in the Gaza Strip continues to ignite widespread protests on college campuses all across America. From Columbia University to USC and UT Austin, all have gathered large numbers of students to demonstrate against Israel. University administration offices nationwide have requested police assistance which has led to the arrest of hundreds of protesting students. These social protests mark some of the most significant protest actions since the anti-Vietnam war demonstration.

President Biden has held talks with Israeli PM Netanyahu, aiming to swiftly end the conflict and resolve the hostage crisis. Following his 

visit to Beijing, Secretary of State Blinken now is traveling to the Middle East in hopes of easing the Israel-Palestine situation.

We need to point out that President Biden is now facing extremely challenging circumstances both domestically  and internationally, particularly posing a potential 

impact on the upcoming presidential election battle on November 5th. Failure to effectively manage the Israel-Palestine conflict could have serious consequences for the election results.