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早在一九零零年代, 德州休斯敦就已经聚集数百位粤籍老侨, 他们先辈曾经参与修建美西铁路工程, 许多从加州迁居到德州, 多半是经营餐厅、 洗衣店及杂货店為生,生活非常清苦,多半住在杂货店楼上。

近百年过去了, 华人在此地之打拼颇有成绩, 於是纷纷成立各种宗亲会公所联谊, 并且支持祖国之革命事业。

美南新闻自一九七九年创刊迄今,我们得到广大侨社之坚定支持, 尤其是诸多侨领们之关心, 我们今天能和大家共聚一堂, 共话家常, 不但感到十分欣幸,也籍此表达衷心之感谢。

Old Friends Gathering 

Hosted by Global One Bank, today we are holding a luncheon for the presidents group of the Houston Chinese Association to show appreciation for their contributions to the community over the many years.

As early as the 1900's, hundreds of Cantonese descendants have settled in Texas. Their parents had participated in the railroad construction of the American west. Many had migrated from California to Texas. Most of them operated restaurants, grocery stores and laundries and lived very humble lives, most living above their grocery stores. 

Nearly a century has passed, and the Chinese immigrants have achieved remarkable success in America, leading to the establishment of various clan associations and social clubs that supported the revolutionary cause of their homeland. 

Since its inception in 1979, Southern News Group has received steadfast support from the local community. In particular, the leaders among these groups have been greatly supportive.