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每日评论 0508 铁云老师请一路走好

每日评论 0508 铁云老师请一路走好


十四岁那年,我和父亲从缅北一个无电和无自来水之小镇携带简单之行囊直奔首都仰光, 据友人告知那裡有所中文高级中学,几经周折我们终於来到了这所简陋之中正高中, 我紧握住父亲的手不愿他离我而去,泪水夺眶而出, 父亲说:“𠒇子要好好争气读书,我们对你寄望很深,此时我有几分被遗弃之感觉, 多年后我对父亲离去时之背影仍然铭记在心。”

学校登记註册后,我和之义兄 、其富兄、 清沛兄等同住在一个阁楼上之宿舍, 天气之燠热和生活条件是两项极大之挑战 。两天后我终於能走进就在楼下的教室, 这批来自各地的高中生首先迎接一位身穿旗袍、 仪态端庄口操标準国语的女老师, 她就是我们的张铁云老师 。在以后的多年学习过程中,张老师除了传授化学课之外, 她更是关心这羣离家到外地上学的大孩子, 她的笑容和教诲 ,永烙在我们心中,為大家指引了做人做事之大方向。

多少年过去了, 每当我在人生拼搏之过程中回忆张老师之勉励,我们所经歴之艰苦岁月,她是我们的奋斗榜样,似乎又见到她在炎热之教室中汗流夹背,但仍然苦口婆心带领我们向前迈进。


Dear Teacher Tien Yun,

Please Rest In Peace

When I was fourteen, my dad and I embarked on a simple journey from  a small town in North Burma with no electricity or running water, toward the capital city of Rangoon. After many twists and turns, we finally arrived at the modest Chung Cheng High School having been informed  by a friend that there was a Chinese high school there. I held my dad’s hand tightly, unwilling to let him leave me, as tears welled up in my eyes. My dad said, “Son, study hard and make us proud of you. We have high hopes for you.” At that moment, I felt an empty sense of abandonment. 

Years later, the image of my dad’s departure at that moment still lingers in my heart. 

After registering at the school, I  lived on a dormitory room's floor in the school's attic with our classmate brothers Qingpei, Fushu and Zhiyi.  The scorching weather and living conditions posed a very great challenge. Two days later we finally stepped into a downstairs classroom. The group of new young students came from different corners of the country. I was first greeted by  a graceful woman teacher speaking perfect Mandarin. She was our new teacher, Chang Tien Yun. In the following several years, Teacher Chang not only taught us chemistry, but also cared for this new group of students who had left home to study far away from their home. Her smile and teachings are forever imprinted on our hearts, guiding us in the right direction in life and work. 

Many years have passed. Whenever I have struggled in life, I always    have recalled Teacher Chang's encouragement, and especially whenever we faced the difficult years, we continued even stronger and got through them. She is our  role model in our striving, as if I can see her still sweating in the hot classroom, but still earnestly guiding us forward. 

Teacher Chang, please have a safe journey to heaven. We will always remember and appreciate you.