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每日评论0516 春之韵 献身文化艺术之使者

每日评论0516 春之韵  献身文化艺术之使者

春之韵  献身文化艺术之使者

由艺术表演家周洁在休斯敦创办的舞蹈学校,在她去世后继续由高晓慧支撑大局。上週在一场年终春之韵发表会上, 精彩之演出得到观眾们之热烈喝采和掌声, 我和格林议员皆上台向他们致敬。

话说近二十年之往事, 我和国会议员格林在访问中国大陆行程中来到了上海, 这位中国着名之电影演员和舞蹈家周洁特地為我们租借了游艇畅游黄埔江及观赏上海夜景,并且以火锅美食招待。 当晚我们接受周洁之热情款待至今难忘, 格林议员表示 上海之行让我们和周洁成了好朋友 ,她的所有活动我都要来参加。

 当晚格林议员又来了,他信守自己之𠄘诺 ,虽然周洁已经远离我们 ,她的笑容永远烙在好友们之心中。

今天 ,高晓慧继续了她的遗志 ,继续在这块土地上深耕华夏文化之园地  ,不论政治上有多大之纷争 ,民间之交流将会继续进行。

"Spring Melody" -- Devoting Oneself 

As A Messenger Of Culture And Arts

The Houston dancing school founded by the artistic performer Zhou Jie continues to be supported 

by Gao Xiaohui after her passing. Last week at the years old performance of "Spring Melody," 

the spectacular show received enthusiastic cheers and applause from the audience. Congressman 

Al Green and I both took the stage 

to pay tribute to all of the performers. 

Reflecting on events from nearly 

two decades ago, during our visit 

to mainland China, Congressman 

Al Green and I traveled to Shanghai. The renowned Chinese actress and dancer Zhou Jie especially arranged a cruise for us down the Huangpu River on a yacht to enjoy the night view of Shanghai, followed by a hot pot feast. We were warmly hosted by Zhou Jie that evening and it was an unforgettable experience. 

Congressman Al Green remarked that our visit to Shanghai bonded 

us as good friends with Zhou Jie 

and he promised to attend all of 

her events. Since that night, the congressman has now honored his promise once again. Through she is no longer with us, her smile remains forever in the hearts of her friends.