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每日评论0521 中广旧址向老长官致敬

每日评论0521   中广旧址向老长官致敬


今天再次走在台北市仁爱路之阴林大道上 , 仁爱路三段53号中视和中广旧址已不復存在, 改為一座豪宅用地。中广大厦曾经是我工作过的老家,曾经有过非常刻骨铭心之记忆。

当我在七十年代初要前往美国留学时, 和当时的新闻部主任张继高,也是着名音乐评论家笔名吴心柳有过一次感人之对话,“张主任我要出国去美国读书 ,谢谢您多年之爱护和提携。”他打量我后说:“蔚华老弟, 您不是工作得好好的, 為什麼要去美国洗盘碗吃苦?那𥚃生活很苦噢。”此时我们相视微笑, 他继续说:“不过以您能够吃苦耐劳之精神, 您只要用一半的耐力在美国一定会成功, 希望您学成后再回来服务。”告别时他紧握住我的手,张主任是破例录取我在大学二年级就进入中广工作之恩人,对一个穷困家庭只有政府三百元台币补贴之穷学生而言, 真是中了楽透从此翻身了。

张主任离世多年,他曾经说过我们大家有如在航空大楼等候登机的乘客, 有的是早班,有的是晚班, 都会离去,当他在最后的日子中讲过这一段话,他是才华横溢性格瀟洒之文人,他拯救了我的人生之路。此时此刻只见仁爱路上之车辆和匆忙之路人,已经没有张主任身穿毕挺西装英俊之身影,我站在旧址前徬徨沈思……..

Honoring The Former Taipei China Broadcasting Corporation Location 

Today we walked down the tree-shaded boulevard of Renai Road      in Taipei once again. The old site of the CBC building at 53 Renai Road Section 3 no longer stands, having since been replaced by luxury residences. The CBC building holds cherished memories of hard work and dedication during my time there. 

In the early 70’s before I set off for the United States, I had a heartfelt conversation with my boss, news director, Mr. Chang Jikao, who was also a renowned music critic using the pen name of Wu Sinliu. I expressed my gratitude for his care and guidance over the years. I told him, ”Director Chang, I am going      to the U.S. to study. Thank you for your support and mentorship.” After looking straight at me, he asked, “Wea, you are doing very well here. Why go to the U.S. to wash dishes and suffer? Life there is very tough.”   

We shared a mutual smile as he continued, “If you just use your hard work ethic you will surely succeed.    I hope you can come back to serve after completing your studies." As we bid farewell, he firmly held my hand. 

Many years have passed since Director Chang‘s passing. He once said that, "We are all passengers waiting to board a flight at an airport, some with a early flight, others with  a late flight. They all depart." During his final days, he shared this analogy, portraying himself as a talented and elegant literati who reshaped the course of my life and the lives of many others. 

Now I stand in front of the old site  on Renai Road, amid the vehicles  and hurried pedestrians. There is    no longer the distinguished figure    of Director Chang there dressed in    a tailored suit. I find myself lost in contemplation.