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每日评论 0528 阵亡将士纪念日之意义

每日评论 0528  阵亡将士纪念日之意义

                                                                                                                                                                       ( 图片来源:路透社)




过去几十年来自第一二次世界大战之后,美国在韩战、越战、中东阿富汗等发动之战争, 多少美国士兵丧失生命。如今之俄乌战争及以色列战事还在不断进行中,今天我们通过纪念阵亡将士深思和反省战争对人类带来之伤痛,我们必须為世界和平追求和谐共处共同努力。

战争是政客利用之手段, 歷史告诉我们,它不是解决问题之方法。我们盼望世界之政治领袖要对发动战争深思,,不能為一己之私遗害无辜。

  The Meaning Of Memorial Day

The last Monday in May of each year marks Memorial Day across the United States which is dedicated   

to honoring the military personnel who have lost their lives in war while openly sharing gratitude for their ultimate sacrifice. 

Various parades and gathering take place nationwide on Memorial Day, with many friends and families visiting cemeteries and memorials  to lay flowers and pay tribute to the brave soldiers.

Over the past few decades since World War I and Il, the U.S. has been involved in wars including the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the War in the Middle East, Afghanistan and the ongoing wars between Russia and Ukraine and between Israel and Hamas. 

As we commemorate the fallen soldiers, we must deeply reflect on the pain that war inflicts upon humanity. 

We must strive for global peace and harmony by learning from the past to build a better future.