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每日社评0610 从洗碗工到AI教父

每日社评0610   从洗碗工到AI教父



在台湾访问的AI教父黄仁勋掀起一了阵阵之旋风,台湾朝野及新闻媒体简直近於疯狂式之神化了黄仁勋之成就,对於这位早年是小留学生来到美国一路走来,他的刻苦奋斗是所有追寻美国梦之典范 ,更印证人定胜天,勇於追梦之传奇故事。


老实说,,个人之成功绝非只靠运气和家世,是需要千锤百练及不断以恆心毅力来完成 ,黄仁勋先生就是最好榜样。


From Dishwasher To AI Guru --

Jensen Huang

Jensen Huang's recent visit to Taiwan has stirred up a whirlwind with the news media almost going crazy in their idolization of his achievements. The story of his journey, from being a young student studying abroad in the United States, to becoming a successful figure, serves as a paradigm for all those pursuing the American dream, reaffirming the idea that with determination and courage, one can achieve great things.

In his interviews, he recalls stepping foot on American soil at the age of nine, coming from a humble background and starting off by working odd jobs such as sweeping floors and later working as a dishwasher at a Denny’s restaurant. Through hard work and a responsible attitude, he played his role well since his youth.

To be honest, the success of an individual relies not only on luck and family background, but also on perseverance and diligence. As immigrants like him, we are pursuing our dreams in a foreign land and grateful for the opportunity that America has provided us to realize our aspirations.

Jensen’s success story once again proves the significant contributions immigrants make to America and the world. Let us persevere and strive for our dreams just like Jensen Huang, unwavering in pursuit of our goals.