每日社评 0614 血汗泪水浇灌了的四十五个岁月

每天清晨我依旧起身到跑步机前快速健身半小时,开始写每日之日记,这个习惯是始於四年前新冠疫情席捲世界之后,面对疫情之无情打压,我们一手创办之媒体面临最严峻之挑战,但是我们必须坚持镇守阵地,绝不轻易投降放弃。 当时我下决定心,每天写下一篇日记来记录所见所闻,同时也向我们全体同仁传递<同甘共苦><同舟共济>之决心,时至今日我没有一天輟笔或缺稿。
Looking Back And Giving Thanks
Today is the 45th Anniversary of Southern News Group. As I reflect on the past four and one-half decades, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude. It has been a journey paved with sweat, tears and sacrifice.
Every morning, I continue to exercise for one-half hour on the treadmill before sitting down to write my daily diary. This habit began during the Covid-19 pandemic four years ago. Faced with the relentless pressure of the virus and the severe challenges our company faced, I made a firm decision to write a diary every day. I wanted to document what I saw and heard, and also convey to all my colleagues a message of solidarity and resilience.
To this day, I have never stopped writing in my diary.
Last month, when I received the Outstanding Alumni Award from my Alma Mater, Chengchi University, the school magazine featured the headline, “From Intern To Media Group Chairman.“ This journey began when I started as an intern at a radio station when I was twenty years old.
Today we are so grateful that with the support of my wife and our faithful colleagues, we have overcome the many challenges we have faced to continue our journey.