每日评论 0628 世纪辩论

在过去的一段时间,川普从未承认他的败选,而且被判有罪成為美国歷史上的第一位 ,在此同时,拜登也在经歴着乌克兰及中东战火之严厉考验。
Debate Of The Century
Last night two former and current Presidents stood on the debate platform at CNN headquarters in Atlanta to fight for their political future. In fact, Trump and Biden have not been face-to-face in four years, and many things have happened in the past four years that are affecting the national fortune of the United States and the future of the world.
In the past, Trump has never admitted his defeat and was found guilty of a criminal charge, becoming the first in the history of United States. At the same time, President Biden is also undergoing a severe test with the war in Ukraine and the Middle East.
Two elderly presidents appeared in last night's debate. They did not shake hands on the stage and did not even acknowledge each other, just like passing by. In the 90- minute debate, they blamed each other on domestic and foreign issues. Biden accused Trump of leaving him with a country whose economy had collapsed and an unemployment rate that had soared.
Once Biden’s second term is over he will be eighty-six years old, the oldest president in history, and Trump is also now seventy-eight years old.
We are facing great challenges in the world, and who will be in charge of the future of the United States will also affect the future of the world. There are only four months left before we cast our votes. We all have to open our eyes to decide our own future.