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每日评论0703 悼好友葛兰兄弟

每日评论0703  悼好友葛兰兄弟


今午接获葛兰夫人凯蒂之电话,传来一阵悲悽之话声,告诉我葛兰昨晚走了。 仅仅不过数月之时间,他终於抵不过病魔之挑战,走完了他多彩多姿的七十六个年头,他的微笑慷慨助人為乐之精神永远活在我们的心中。

我们相识是在他们家族所经营的休斯敦东京园大饭店,当年这家充满着日本风味小桥流水之餐馆已经是德州休斯敦政商聚会之最重要塲所。我经常应邀参加各种大小政经活动,尤其是亚裔参政之集会,葛兰是我们的领军人物, 之后他成為布什家庭及参眾院议员市长之好友。





我也立即向惠特曼市长报告了这项不幸消息,葛兰是市长坚定又慷慨之支持者,好弟兄走了,我躲在书房中执笔追思, 泪水浸湿桌面 ,人生如梦 。葛兰走完了他充满热情活力精彩的一生,希望他在另外一个世界安息。

Mourning Our Dear Friend And Brother Glen Gondo

I received a call from Katy, Glen’s wife, and a sad voice told me that Glen had passed away last night. In just a few months, he finally couldn’t overcome the challenge of his illness and completed his walk of a colorful seventy-six years of life.
His smile and generous spirit of helping people will always live in our hearts.
I first met Glen in the late 80’s at the Tokyo Garden Restaurant in Houston which was run by his family. At that time, this restaurant was full of Japanese flavor and was already the most important place for political and business gatherings in Houston, Texas. I was often invited to participate in various political and business activities, especially Asian political gatherings.
Over the years, Glen has established more than 600 Japanese sushi restaurants and has become a very successful businessman. He named himself the “Sushi Man."

Twenty years ago, Glen joined us to establish the Houston International Trade Center as a non-profit organization to serve our community.We also traveled all over Asia together to such places as Beijing, Taipei and Singapore to share our brotherly friendship and to enjoy the beauty and grandeur of Asian culture.
Glen and Jim Noteware and I formed a company to build a seniors apartment project in the International District. Even though we have faced many challenges, we will continue to work hard on the project to complete Glen's legacy.

Glen has not just been my dear friend and brother, he is our business partner. Whenever someone is in trouble, he always lends a helping hand.
Tonight, I am here in front of my desk to write a remembrance for Glen as tears run down and soak my face. Life is like a dream.
Glen has finished his energetic and enthusiastic life. We hope he will rest in peace in another world.