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贝里尔颱风横扫德州大休斯敦地区已经将近一个星期, 有部份地区尚未能接通电源, 主事之中央电力设备公司虽然动员许多人力也无法解决问题德州州长艾伯特也不在家 由副州长撑大局,此人是前媒体他和赫里斯郡之关係一向非常紧张, 目前还在争辩為什麼没有即时向拜登总统求助? 这简直是埸闹剧. 令人髪指, 正在患病中的眾议员希拉李已经在昨天向中央电力设备公司提出诉讼 控告该公司失职造成徳州地区之重大灾情。

近一个星期来因為缺电而导致热死的人数在增加中, 许多家庭之食物也全部腐烂, 尤其是眾多弱势家庭更是处於绝望之中。

今天週日中午我们决定将便当和饮水送到许多公寓去表示国际区对他们之关心, 希望早日恢復电力供应。

对於这次之电力灾难真是𠆤国际大笑话,我们的应变能力如此薄弱, 连第三世界国家都不如。

我们眼前展现的是民主共和两党之分歧日愈加剧, 但是自己后园之事都搞不定,这难道是国家开始衰退的徵兆吗?

International District Reaches Out To Disadvantaged Communities

It has now been nearly one week since Hurricane Beryl has swept through the Greater Houston, Texas, area and still many areas have not had their power restored. Although Centerpoint Energy reports that they have mobilized additional manpower, there are many problems that still have not been resolved. Because Governor Abbott has been out of town on state business, those left in charge have not yet found solid solutions to solve the diasterous emergency situation. It has been reported that Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee who is suffering 

from illness has filed a lawsuit against Centerpoint Energy yesterday citing the company’s gross negligence that has been responsible for a major disaster in our city.

Over the past week, due to the loss of electric power, the food supplies of many families has all but decayed, especially for many economically vulnerable families who are now living in despair.

On Sunday our IMD board members voted to send box lunches and drinking water to local apartments and community centers.

Unfortunately, now our power disaster in Houston, Texas, has really become an international joke around the globe. Our response capability to Hurricane Beryl has been so weak that it cannot even match that of third world countries.

We really need to rebuild our nation. This is a very critical moment for all of us.