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每日评论0723 為几内亚贡献心力

每日评论0723  為几内亚贡献心力


哈佛大学医学院毕业的普朗马医生是我多年的好友, 他和我共同担任赫里斯郡医院基金会已近二十年之久, 他和女𠒇都是休斯敦地区着名之牙医, 女𠒇莉蒂西亚更是现任大休斯敦之市议员,可谓是非裔社区之重要领袖人物。

普朗马医生得知几内亚驻美大使来访之消息后, 我告诉他此行之目的是希望休斯敦地区之医疗机构能向几内亚捐助些医疗物资,他得知后毫不犹豫地答应帮助。日前我偕同大使前往他的诊所拜访, 他𣎴但亲切接待而且立即把一批他诊所使用后还很新的牙医诊所设备捐献出来,估计总共市值二十五万美元, 我正在安排在近期内如何运往几内亚交由该国医院使用。

我们对於这𠆤善举表示衷心之感谢,也是卡巴大使此行之一大收获,几内亚排全世界最贫穷之国家之一, 尤其是极度缺乏医疗设备,全国平均寿命不到五十七岁。

為了进一步瞭解几内亚实际情况, 我们决定近期内带领工商界人士前往考察, 尤其是有关农业观光方面是投资最好之项目。


 Contributing To Guinea

Today I had the opportunity to do something meaningful for Guinea with the help of my friend Dr. Plummer, a graduate of Harvard Medical School. We have been serving together on the Harris County Hospital District Foundation Board for almost two decades. He and his daughter Lititia both are prominent dentists in the Houston area. Lititia is also currently serving on the City Council of Houston, making her a significant leader in our community.

Upon learning of Ambasador Kaba's visit to our city, I informed Dr. Plummer that she is looking for some medical supplies that can be donated to Guinea. Dr Plummer readily agreed to help to donate a batch of slightly used medical equipment from his clinic with a total value of $250,000 dollars.

We expressed our heartfelt thanks for this good deed, which is also one of the great harvests of the Ambasador’s visit.

Guinea is not one of the poorest countries in the world, yet they have an extreme lack of medical equipment which impacts their average life expectancy of less than 57 years.

We are planing to organize a trade mission in the near future, especially with the best investment projects in mind being  agricultural and tourism.