每日评论0809 选票和钞票

今天我们这一代之新移民带着父母之叮嚀或因战乱来到美国,我们在这块土地上非常勤奋工作并且在此创建了繁荣之社区经济及在各行业之杰出表现 ,也是推动国家进步之重要力量。
Ballots And Money
As the U.S. election rapidly approaches, campaign letters and emails are flying
in like early snowflakes, offering nothing but ballots and money donations. We must open our eyes and carefully consider who we should support at this important moment in history.
Our generation of immigrants came to America with our parents' blessing or due to war. We have worked
diligently on this land, creating thriving communities, economically strong businesses and a record of excellence in all of the top professions. Simply said, Asians have been a vital driving force
for many years in the nation’s growth, development and progress.
However, with manipulation by some politicians, people of color, including Asians, have become targets of rampant discrimination. Many individuals wear rose-colored glasses while completely ignoring the immense contributions of
the Asian people to this country.Whomever will occupy the White House will influence all of us as well as impacting the future of the whole world.