每日评论0814 為社区奉献心力

好友休斯敦市议员戴维斯週一晚间在国际区举办了一场盛大而成功的社区服务大会, 邀集了市政府各部门主管亲临会塲和市民们零距离之会面, 这项亲民之服务工作得到大家高度之肯定。
戴维斯议员是我们多年之老朋友,他是一位牧师转而从事公职, 由於他口若悬河之口才及亲民之作风, 是目前最受欢迎的市议员之一。
位於国际区的休斯敦社区中心是市府斥资五千四百万建造, 这座现代化建筑除了各种运动设施之外 ,更為市政府延伸到西南区之各项服务。
Dedicated To The Community
Our dear friend Willie Davis held
a grand and successful town hall meeting in the International District Monday night. He invited many heads of city departments to meet local citizens and those highly recognized by our community.
Councilman Davis has been our representative in IMD for many years. He is a person who is naturally tuned to public service. Because of his people-friendly style, he is currently one of the most popular council members in Houston.
In the town hall meeting, I expressed our gratitude and deep respect for him. He has convinced many city department heads to solve the many problems in our region, especially after the hurricane disaster.
The Alief Community Center is located at the heart of our district and the City of Houston spent $54 million dollars to have it built. We are so lucky and grateful that the city gave us such a beautiful building.