每日评论0820 拜登含泪之告别演说

Biden’s Tearful Farewell Speech
At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, President Biden said, "We must maintain democracy, and we are now fighting for the soul of the United States." Biden made a full defense of his adminstration.
President Biden‘s political career in Washington has spanned one-half of a century. He was once the youngest U.S. senator and has now withdrawn from the presidential race because his frail health.
This year’s election will make a decisive impact on the future of the U.S. and the world's history. Looking back over the last few decades, the United States has launched countless wars in preserving peace and playing the role of the world's police. To be honest, most of them were defeated or retreated after many resources were consumed and countless lives were sacrificed.
We in the Asian American community need to pay attention to the current political developments. State Representative Gene Wu just held a meeting and spoke about Republican members who will once again sponsor a bill to bar citizens from China and North Korea from buying real estate in Texas. The outcome could make a very serious impact on our comunity.