每日评论0824 我们向恩爱夫妻们致贺

当晚受奖者包括多年之好友成彦邦伉儷,张要武伉儷,王力伉儷 ,陈富伉儷,杨万青伉儷,浦浩德伉儷,严杰伉儷,张帆伉儷等八对夫妻,他们在医学,艺术,商业,科技方面皆有非常𠍇出之表现,更有和睦美满之家庭和培养了极為优秀之下一代。
多年来他们对美南新闻之支持更是不餘其力,给予各方面之赞助,是我们生存发展之重要力量, 我们在此表示由衷之感谢。
We Congratulate The Loving Couples
On Friday night the Houston area “Loving Couples Award" ceremony was held at the STV Global Theatre. Our dear brother, Congressman Al Green, made a special trip from Washington to present awards to eight couples, and highly honored the recipients who not only have very happy families, but also make significant contributions to the community.
The winners of that night included eight couples, including Yin Bong & Tammy Cheng, Patrick & Victoria Powers, Michael & Michelle Tran, Yaowu & Wenjun Zhang, Howard & Elizabeth Paul, Wangqing Yang & Xi Lu, Roger & Annie Yen and Frank & Connie Zhang. They all have outstanding performances in the medical, art, business and science fields and have very harmonious families and all strive to cultivate excellence in the next generation.
Over the years, their support for Southern News Group has spared no effort. It is a very important force for our survival and continuing development. We would like to express our heartfelt thanks to all of them .