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每日评论0831 降低利率势在必行

每日评论0831 降低利率势在必行



鲍尔表示,这是我们调整方向之时候了,至於降息之幅度有赖於九月份之统计数字。 一般预料在年底内中央银行至少会降息一个百分点来缓和经济上之压力。



 It Is Imperative To Cut Interest Rates

Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Powell recently reiterated that the interest rate may begin to be cut in September to face the weakening labor market. Economic experts believe that only a sharp cut in the interest rate can avoid an economic recession.
As for the magnitude of the interest rate cut, this still depends on new statistics. It is generally expected that the Federal Reserve will cut the rate by at least one percentage point at the end of this year to ease pressure on the economy.

Over the past several years, due to the great pressure of inflation, the Fed has been raising interest rates in an attempt to reduce inflation, but it has directly affected the development of various industries, especially in the real estate business. With the bank interest rate now up to 9%, it is an important reason for a correction.

We hope that a future Federal Reserve interest rate cut can avoid a recession, and also hope that all levels of business will be more active under the lower rate.