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美国总统大选落幕, 川普总统和他的共和党以压倒式之胜利不但入主白宫更是撑握了参眾、议院及最高法院法官之多数,这也是美国有史以来非常少见之多数执政。
根据川普过去几年来之言论判断,美国今后将会走向新的孤立主义及解散世界经济共同体之制度,在美国要再次伟大之指引下,希望把注意力集中在国内经济。川普重申大量开採国内之石油天然气,把收入清偿国债, 对全球进入美国之货品至少徵收百分之十关税, 对中国大陆更将徵收百分之六十以上,同时将大量裁减联邦员工及削减三分之一以上之浪费。
这些和民主党截然不同之施政方向必然会改变整个世界及美国之面貌,对於川普重返白宫,我们邀请了六位华裔侨学各界之专家领袖,於大选当天在美南电视台举办了一场座谈会,共同研讨我们如何面对最新情势, 我们共同之结论是大家要团结起来抱团取暖来应对未来之挑战。
Family Affairs, National Affairs And World Affairs
At the end of the presidential election, President Trump and his Republican Party not only will enter the White House with an overwhelming victory, but also will hold a majority in the Senate, the House of Representatives and in the Supreme Court, which also is a very rare occurrence in American history.
According to President Trump's remarks over the last few years, the United States is actually moving toward a new isolationism that would create a system that would dissolve free trade. He hopes, on the other hand, to focus on strengthening the domestic economy. The New administration will likely impose a 10% tariff on every country's goods and a 60% tariff on Chinese products. Trump also strongly wants to produce more domestic oil and natural gas to pay off our national debt.
These political directions are completely different from those proposed by the Democratic Party and will deeply change the face of our national economy and will strongly impact our relationships with the rest of the world.
Regarding Trump's return to power, we invited six of our community leaders to come to our TV studio to discuss the issues thatwe all are going to face in the near future. Our unanimous conclusion was that we must be united to meet all future challenges.