每日评论1111 我们完成一项不可能之任务

首届美国德州国际博览会於十月卅一日在休斯敦圆满闭幕,这项会议邀集了近六百位中外工商界,政界及外交界人士共聚一堂,从上午八时半到晚上盛大晚宴,被誉為近年来在休斯敦举办之一次国际盛会. 我们要首先感谢同仁们近一年之努力及市长和工商界之大力支持,首次展现华亚裔国际社区对德州及本市之重大贡献.
We Have Completed An Impossible Task
The first International Houston Expo in Houston, Texas, successfully concluded on October 31, 2024. The conference invited nearly 600 businessmen, government officials and diplomats to gather and participate in many whole day events including seminars, luncheon and an evening Gala. First of all, I would like to thank all of our colleagues for their efforts over the past year and for the strong support of the Mayor and the business community, demonstrating the major contributions of the Asian international community to Texas and to the great city of Houston.
In his speech, Mayor Whitmire said very passionately at the gala that the event represents the great unity of all ethnic groups in our city and fully shows that we are an international family.
Over the past several decades, we have cultivated this land with our bare hands and with great confidence, we have always taken it as our home. Many people with their hands and sweat have shaped countless American Dreams as a result.
When I stood in front of the conference again, I was extremely excited, and I never thought that one day I could raise my eyebrows and speak for the new generation of immigrants.
I told everyone that we are an important part of this society and we greatly help to promote the economy and cultural of the community.