每日评论1115 亚裔出任警务要职

市长在今天举行正式之记者会 ,正式向各界人士介绍新任之局长和新闻界及各界人士见面,他盛讚田边在过去数十年来在警界之丰富经验。
Asian Takes Up Important Position With Police Dept.
Houston Mayor Whitmire announced yesterday the appointment of Houston Deputy Police Chief Ben Tien as Police Chief of Houston Metro. He will oversee more than 300 police officers and will be responsible for public safety. This is also the first time in Houston's history that an Asian American has been named to serve as the head of a department in the HPD.
Mayor Whitmire will hold a news conference today
to formally introduce the new chief to the press and community leaders.
The mayor highly praised Tien who has had an outstanding career in public safety as Deputy Chief of the Houston Police Department.
Since Mayor Whitmire took office earlier this year, he has appointed many important positions to Asian Americans and he believes this is the best representation of our city.
We would like to express our deepest congratulations to our new chief and we will hold a luncheon party in the near future to celebrate his new position.