每日评论城1119 中区中国城将走进歷史

在方圆十条大街之内,也有一家规模极大的华裔越人罗先生在如此建造了 金山酒家,同也成為中外媒体政商人士之聚集之场所。罗氏家族近年来在德州地区发展成為一个龎大之餐饮集团。
Old Houston Chinatown Will Fade Into History
The old Chinatown near Houston's downtown once had a glorious history in the 1970’s. Bobo Yee, a Chinese community leader, came here from China when he was a teenager. With his efforts, Chinatown once built a Chinese movie theatre and a Chinese-owned bank, the Asian American Bank, a large supermarket and many restaurants. Although he never received a formal education in America, he is very serious and quick to learn and can speak fluent English.
We were very lucky enough to come here after we completed our school studies. I knew BOBO Yee personally and witnessed him as such a great businessman who continued to promote our culture in America.
During that time, the Chinese-Vietnamese Lo family built a very luxurious restaurant in Chinatown and it became one of the most politically social places for our city.
Recently we learned that the restaurant will be closed due to highway reconstruction. The old Chinatown created by BOBO Yee no longer exist and has gone down into history, but Bobo Yee‘s entrepreneurial sprit will always be remembered.