每日社评:1127 感恩於感恩节

我们移居美洲大陆也入乡随俗庆祝每年一度之感恩节,节日之来源应追溯到1620 年代一批英国清道徒远渡重洋来到美洲大陆后生活异常辛苦,因食物短缺丧失生命,后来得到印弟安人之帮忙终获丰收,因而特定一个感恩节来庆祝和加强舆印第安人之和睦关係。
多年来这个节日已经成為大家每年最重要之家庭亲友们团聚之大日子,它也成為一种文化和精神之传承, 提醒我们珍惜所拥有之一切,并对那些帮助过我们的人永远心存感激。
对我们家人而言,想起孩提时代父母在非常艰困之年代把我们姐弟妹们拉拔长大,走过峻山丛林,越过千山万水, 如果不是他们艰忍不拔之刻苦精神,我们不可能走进文明社会,缔造自己生命之新篇章。
Puritan Thanks On Thanksgiving Day
We moved to America because we also wanted to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. The origin of the holiday can be traced back to the 1620’s. After a group of British Puritans crossed the Atlantic ocean to the American continent, they lived an extremely hard life and many lost their lives because of the shortage
of food. Later, with the help of the Indians, they finally had good harvests, so they decided to designate a specific Thanksgiving Day holiday for each following year to celebrate and strengthen the harmonious relationship between themselves and the Indians that had been formed.
Over the years, this festival has become a great day for the uniting of our most important families and friends, each and every year. It has also becomea cultural and spiritual experience in our heritage, reminding us to cherish everything we have and to always be grateful for those who have helped us.
For our family, I remember that when we were children, our parents raised us in a very difficult era when we walked over and through the steep mountains and rivers.
If it weren’t for their hard work, we would have never entered into civilized society, nor would we have ever advanced into, and create a new chapter of our lives.
We should learn to cherish understanding and tolerance and gratefulness for all of our people.
Thanksgiving Day is coming. We wish everyone good health and a happy celebration of a great holiday with warmth and grateful people and for the special ones around you.