每日社评:1130 川普时代已经来临

我们不知道川普总统上任后要如何减轻普罗大眾之衣食住行之负担 ,他的税收政策也许是一个谈判之手段,但是人民能等待吗?
The Era Of Trump Has Arrived
President-elect Trump has announced that once he takes office, he will immediately impose a
25% tariff increase on neighboring countries Canada and Mexico with an additional 10% on China. General speaking, if these increases are implemented on January 20th, American consumers will soon face very serious economic consequences. These increases will include
crude oil, which has already raised serious concerns among U.S. petroleum refiners.
Trump had dinner with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau and had a phone conversation with the President of Mexico on Friday night. They had a final conversation before the import tax increase will be set in place.
Mexico and Canada have been the largest tradepartners of the U.S. for a very long time. Commodities and vegetable crops imported from both countries have been the main sources of supply for many years. These additional 25% tax charges will certainly be borne by the American consumers.
We don’t know how President Trump will eliminate the heavy burdens of the cost of food, clothes and transportation for the general public after he takes office. His sweeping tariff policy may be the means for future negotiations, but how long can the American people wait?