
( 图片来源:路透)
美国前总统卡特週日在乔治亚州莱恩斯家中去世,享年一百岁 ,是美国歷史上最长寿之总统。这位出身农家之子弟在美国经歴水门事件及越南战争,之后出任第三十九届总统,后来因為经济危机及伊朗危机而未能连任。
Oldest President Jimmy Carter Has Passed Away
Former President Jimmy Carter passed away Sunday in his hometown of Plains, Georgia, at the age of 100. He was the longest-living president in the history of the United States. He was the son of a farmer who became the 39th president after the Watergate scandal and the Vietnam war, but he failed to be re-elected due to the economic crisis and the Iran crisis.
During his tenure, President Carter announced the establishment of diplomatic relationships between the United States and China. That decision rewrote the history of the world. After he left office, President Carter established the Carter Center to continue diplomatic missions and build houses for poor families. Carter and his wife Rosalynn who had been married more than 70 years, lived in their home until their deaths.
The former president who often wore farmer’s clothes and blue jeans, after he got into the White House, claimed he never lied. But the recession with high interest rates and the Iranian crisis caused
him to lose his reelection effort. After making many unforgettable achievements, many years later he won the 2002 Nobel peace prize.
We still remember when he greeted Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping at the White House and opened the door to China and changed the world.