每日评论0130 推广AI太空教育 促进国际文化交流

推广AI太空教育 促进国际文化交流
今天我们非常兴𡚒在德州休斯敦举办首次之AI大会, 并将在新建之银行大厦内定名為AI银行金融中心,建选AI总厨房,以备未来在全美及世界各大城市设立空中教室,展开和迎接AI时代之来临。
Welcome To The AI Era And The Promotion Of International Culture Exchange
James Liu and I recently launched a series of cultural, educational and diplomatic activities in the Houston area. Mainly, we are promoting the World Space Education and AI Challenge from October 3-6 at Houston's George R. Brown Convention Center to open up a new platform for exchange between Houston and other countries around the world.
With the strong support of the U.S. State Department, we have successfully visited Consul Generals of Kuwait, Korea, Turkey, Pakistan, Indonesia and Hungary and have received their unanimous support.
Today we are very excited to hold the first big event in our city and we will also name our new building the AI Financial Center and open the main education headquarters to launch AI classes around the world.