每日评论 0206 休斯敦首届世界太空及AI 挑战大赛开跑

休斯敦首届世界太空及AI 挑战大赛开跑
The First World Space And AI Challenge Event In Houston Starts
In recent years, the development of artificial intelligence (AI) has made a major breakthrough around the world. The technology refers to the ability to achieve human cognitive tasks through robot simulation, such as learning and problem solving, which is now being widely used in the fields of medicine, finance, autonomous driving, media and entertainment.
In order to welcome the latest era of science and technology, we initiated the first ever global event in Houston and received strong support from Houston's Mayor, our Congressman and many academic institutions.
On Tuesday morning, Judge Robert Eckels, James Liu, President of the event organization and our partner and lawyer Andy Lai came to Houston First Corporation to hold a signing ceremony. It was decided to rent the George R. Brown Convention Center for the four-day event from October 3-6 of this year. We are expecting 3,000 youngsters to come to join in the event.
We are very excited that this conference will promote culture, education and tourism for the City of Houston.