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Biden Fights For The Presidency

The National Democratic Convention has concluded its four day meeting in Milwaukee. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have officially become the Democratic Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates to challenge Donald Trump in the upcoming national election. All the former Democratic Presidents including Carter, Clinton and Obama were there to show their support for the Biden-Harris ticket.

We as ordinary citizens hope the party can bring a new change to Washington.

The country also needs to resume participation in international organizations such as WHO and the Paris Climate Treaty. This is our responsibility to the world.

The coronavirus pandemic is a worldwide problem. We must unite to work with the rest of the world to fight this crisis. No country can escape this tragedy. The international community needs to work together to respect the opinions of the experts and speed up vaccine research to rescue mankind as a global issue.

We also encourage starting a new work effort on our national infrastructure including the railroads, highways, airports and bridges to create more jobs to stimulate our economy.

We still need to open our immigration policy to accept more talented people and encourage them to move to America. We are a nation of immigrants and they are the backbone of our country.

Education is one of the most important issues facing our society today. A better and fair education system gives the young people more opportunity. We need to add more resources to the local schools.

We all expect the Democratic ticket will bring hope and a better future for all of us.

群雄聚集 力挺拜登进白宫

民主党大会即将在今天闭幕,歷任民主党总统卡特、 克 林顿、奥巴马、前国务卿希拉里、克利等重量级人物全都出场,力挺拜登和贺锦丽竞争白宫宝座。


新冠疫情之猖獗当然是政府之领导无方,全球没有一个国家幸免,这是一个全球面对之灾难,我们必须联合世界各国之力量来共抗病毒,要立即成立世界性之紧急救难队伍,尊重专家的意见,加快疫苗之研究, 让世界共享成果。

美国经济受到重创,我们应立即展开全国基础建设之大力投资,全面重建高铁、公路、桥樑、机场及联邦建筑, 以增加就业及经济復甦。

对於移民政策我们主张继续开放,广泛接纳更多留学生, 这些各国之精英绝对是我们国家建设的栋樑。


增加教育经费全面保障国民健康,今天我们社会出现许多暴乱和不安,研其根本原因是教育上之失败, 许多弱势家庭子女无法接受正轨教育或是不重视教育, 长期以来就成為社会混乱之根源,没有正当之技能,因而会铤而走险, 犯罪也就随之而来。

今天我们平民百姓所企求的是社会安定,生活有保障, 政治口号是空洞之辞,和我们何干?