美国新冠疫情日记 08/26

We Are Organizing A Legal Assistance Group
About one month ago I was talking to our good friend and former Houston City Attorney, Mr. Jim Hall. I asked him to become a legal adviser for the International Trade Center to assist our community with legal matters. I am very happy that he agreed to serve and try to help the people now facing legal issues.
Mr. Hall ran for mayor of the city in the last term. At the time, we had a fund raising party for him at my house with a group of our friends and we had the opportunity to talk with him about many issues, including civil rights and discrimination in our community.
Today our community is facing unprecedented challenges, especially in the African American, Latino and Asian groups because of police brutality. Many cities are experiencing unrest and rioting. The residents are being charged in so many unfair cases, but the people just don’t have resources to fight for their rights.
The International Trade Center was established fifteen years ago with the support of a group of our community leaders and businessmen. We are very proud that in the past few years we have been be of service to many local and international businesses and to build bridges to them.
Today we really understand that justice needs to be served. We are inviting more than fifteen attorneys to serve on our legal advisory board. We are building a legal team to protect our community.
本月初和曾经担任休斯敦市府律师哈佛法学院毕业, 也曾参选市长的何滨谈到有关移民及华亚裔之处境时, 我希望能聘请他担任社区之法律顾问, 对於我们目前遭到的一些不公平之待遇能出来仗义直言, 他欣然接受。
何滨律师曾经参加过休士顿上届市长之选举,他也是美国眾议员格林多年好友,我们曾经在家𥚃為他举办募款餐会 ,虽然他未选上, 但对我们之挺身支持,至今还记心中。
今天我们的社会正在面临前所未有之困境, 警察开枪射杀平民之事还在不断上演, 许多城市之烧抢乱象继续上演 ,执法者对於非裔及移民社区使用暴力, 社会之撕裂越来越深。
十五年前我和一批社区领袖成立了非营利性质的国际贸易及文化中心, 多年来我们对近万名的中小企业进行许多服务, 但对法律援助尤其是公民权益方面深感不足, 此次得到好友何滨大律师之首肯 ,我们正在筹组包括民主共和两党之律师顾问团, 希望这支团队為国际华亚裔效力, 这也是我们多年来之愿望 .