SUE ANN MA CPA 李瑄会计师事务所

联系人:MA SUE ANN 李瑄會計師
地址:7001 Corporate Dr. #100. Houston, TX 77036
Sue Ann Ma, MBA, CPA and CEP, has a wealth of knowledge and experience in banking, accounting, insurance and financial services fields. She has an amicable, pleasant, and friendly personality, willing to help any customers for their financial and business needs. Following is a brief list of here credentials and experiences.
Sue Ann Ma, CPA firm, Sole Owner
Vice President/Relationship Manager with Private Banking, Hibernia National Bank (now Capital One National Bank)
Vice President/Controller, Chase Bank – Beaumont, TX
Assistant Controller and Financial Officer for credit card operation, Texas Commerce Bank
Branch Manager of Sun America Securities
Registered representative of Money Concept Securities
Insurance Broker
Real Estate Agent
MED/Guidance and Counseling
CFP Program – University of Houston Center for Executive Development
Certificates & Licenses
Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
Texas Realtor Licenses
Various Securities License
Life/Health insurance license
Certified Estate Planner (CEP)
Super Banker in 1986, Texas Commerce Bank
Recipient of CIRCLE OF EXCELLENCE AWARD in 1995, Chase Bank
Nominated and listed in Who’s Who International Professional for the year of 2000