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美国新冠疫情日记 09/03

美国新冠疫情日记 09/03

 History Is A Mirror

Today is the date we commemorate the 75th anniversary of the end of World War II. This is also the date we can never forget because the war brought so much tragedy to mankind.

On November 7, 2015, Southern News Group joined with hundreds of community associations  to host the “Commemoration of WWII 70th Anniversary And Celebration of Diversity & World Peace” event at Minute Maid Park in Houston. The event featured “listening to the voice of the world Multi-Ethnic community and peaceful overture.” This was a first of its kind, large-scale commemorative event that brought together 25,000 people from all walks of life who gathered together to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the anti-fascist and anti Japanese war.

As the event host, when I gave remembrances to more than thirty war veterans they were so moved. I saw their tears fall down their cheeks. Millions of lives were lost because the war. This great event and show was directed by the famous producer, Ms. Bao Ning, and hundreds of performers came from around the world to participate. This was the biggest event we ever sponsored. We were so honored and proud that President Obama issued a citizen service award to us and through Congressman Al Green, the event was recorded in the historical journals of the U.S. Congress.

Times are changing. The world is suffering because of the coronavirus pandemic and many politicians are taking advantage of this unusual situation to build their political capital.

All of us need to remember that the war brought only a destructive result. We don’t need the war -- we need the peace.


     ---- 纪念二次大战结束75 週年

今天又是日本军国主义投降二次世界大战结束七十五週年的日子, 对人类歷史而言, 其中包括对日抗战造成之牺牲是无法遗忘的愤恨。

2015117我们在德州休斯敦棒球场举办了纪念二次大战胜利七十週年大会, 当晚共有来自各国国际社区代表二万五千人参加各国代表及参加二次大战之老兵都站上舞台, 共同庆祝二次大战之结束给世界带来了七十多年的和平时光

当天我以主办人之身份向二十多位当年老兵颁赠纪念奬章他们感动得泪流满面,又有多少人记得他们在战场上流过的鲜血, 许多追述歷史之动人演说及大场面的文艺演出让二万多位观眾為之动容也是我们有生以来举办过最大最有义意的社会活动也印证亚裔社区对美国社会的极大贡献由于这项活动我们也得到奥巴马总统之表扬 及美国国会把此次庆祝大会列入美国国会记録事实上, 这都全㱕功於总导演鲍寧女士领导及数百位志工之共同努力。

今天我们再度处於歷史上的转捩点, 世界在新冠疫情之摧残下,政客们正為了个人利益在蠢蠢欲动 再次挑起战火。

人类曾经遭受过的苦痛决不能再度上演, 我们共同来阻止那些偽善之战争贩子。