To The Top Education 美金榜教育集团

联系人:Michelle He
地址:23119 Colonial Pkwy #A1, Katy, TX 77449
美金榜教育集团/To The Top Education
美金榜是美国南部地区最大的留学升学教育咨询机构,旗下包括留学升学、高中规划和背景提升、 SAT/ACT等考试培训、实习就业、教育交流、留学生监管、奖助学金申请等多个板块。
美金榜的顾问老师们用心造就孩子的未来, 从中学到大学,从少年到成年,人生关键八年,为他们保驾护航, 提供如家人般的帮助 。在每集那帮专业团队的精心指导下,诸多学子顺利升学、留学、及成功申请奖助学金。
电话: 1 (281)797-5614。WeChat:HeOu88。
To The Top Education Group (TTT) is a full-service education consulting firm which helps Chinese and Chinese American students study at selective high schools and colleges and ensure their success. Its services include school application, advance planning, test prep, career planning, student exchange and international education advising.
To The Top Education Group (TTT) is a member of National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) and founder of Texas International Institute Alliance (TIIA). It has deep understanding of and extensive partnership with US colleges and high schools. Since its inception in 2014, TTT has helped hundreds of Chinese students get accepted by their dream schools in the US, getting internships and job offers; it has also hosted many Chinese secondary and post-secondary schools’ US visit. TTT provides many community service opportunities for Chinese students and honor our most outstanding student volunteers with the President’s Volunteer Service Award.
TTT is headquartered in the 4th largest US city - Houston, with satellite offices in San Diego, CA, San Antonio & Dallas, TX and channel partners throughout China.