HAO CPA PLLC 郝利霞会计师事务所

联系人:LISA HAO 郝利霞
地址:Katy & Houston
郝利霞是美国注册会计师,以前是中国企业统考会计师。 有近20年美国中小型会计师事务所经验和国际税法申报经验, 擅长与税务局及各级政府部门沟通。在中国也有十年大型国有企业会计经验。精通美国税法和中美两国会计标准, 普遍赢得客户信任。
长期致力于服务各种客户,包括公司实体,个人,信托基金和非盈利组织的注册登记; 帐目处理和税务申报;税号ITIN 申请; 海外资产申报;退休计划规划;帮客户跟各级政府及税务机关沟通协商, 从而帮客户减免各种税务罚单等;同时也帮客户解决Quickbooks应用中出现的问题及帮助客户建立财务内部管理制度。
• Lisa Hao is a licensed CPA in Texas and the owner of Hao CPA PLLC. She was a charted accountant in China.
•Experienced in providing tax and accounting services to a wide variety of clients since 2006 in the US.
Client base includes all types of businesses, individuals with income tax and gift tax, fiduciary and non-profit organization.
Experienced in large corporate accounting in China for 10 years. Adept at interpreting both US GAAP (General Accept Accounting Principle) and China GAAP.
•Specialized in tax planning, tax preparation, representing clients to US government tax authorities, and accounting service and advisory.
Tax services includes new business registration, ITIN application, income tax with international tax reporting, sales tax, property tax, and payroll tax filing.
Accounting service includes accounting book set up, bookkeeping, and financial report preparation.
Advisory service includes tax and accounting issues, QuickBooks advisory service, and internal control consulting.