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There Will Be An End To COVID-19

Dr. Anthony Fauci told a group of CEOs that COVID-19 can be removed as a public health threat with good, widely administered vaccines and strong public health measures, and a degree of normality might return by the end of 2021.

Dr. Fauci told the Wall Street Journal there will be an end to this and we will be able to get back to normal. Many business leaders are concerned about how long the new coronavirus, which has caused more than 29 million cases and 938,000 deaths, will continue to spread and whether it can be beaten back eventually as a public health threat.

Most health experts believe this will depend on how effective the vaccines that are currently in development or testing prove to be and how many people get them.

The fundamental goal is to get the infection rate so low that we can easily control it.

This is good news for all of us. We believe these outstanding researchers can make good vaccines to come to the rescue of the world.


醫衛傳染病專家福其博士告訴華爾街日報說如果我們處理得當, 新冠疫情應該在明年年底前得到解決,讓社會恢復正常。

截至目前為止全世界確疫人數已有二千九百萬人已經有九十三萬八千人喪生, 這是二次大戰以來人類面對的最大浩劫。


福其博士希望大家決不可對疫情掉以轻心, 疫苗之可靠性十分關鍵, 但是戴口罩、 勤洗手、保持距離是最基本的保護措施。

美國大選在即目前世界情勢混亂各國在聯大會議上各說各話疫情不被重視, 大會對如何挽救災情也難得到解決之道, 實在是全人類之不幸。