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美國新冠疫情日記 09/25

美國新冠疫情日記 09/25


       The Battle On Capitol Hill

President Trump will nominate a woman as a successor to the late Justice Ginsburg who died last Friday of pancreatic cancer at age 87. With only six weeks remaining before the election, Republicans are pushing to move quickly on a successor while Democrats want to keep the seat open until after the election.  Replacing the liberal icon with a conservative jurist could further entrench the high court’s rightward shift.

During a news conference, President Trump was asked if he would commit to a peaceful transfer of power whether he won or lost in November. He replied, "Well, we will have to see what happens. I have been complaining very strongly about the ballots. The ballots are out of control, but Congressional Republicans say they are committed to a peaceful election process and transfer of power if the Democrats win.”

Today our nation faces a lot of serious challenges. With the national election coming soon, we as the model for free democratic nations can't even agree on what our leader said about the transfer of power. When Republicans rush to nominate a new justice for the Supreme Court, conservatives and liberals will be out of balance for the important issues that face our country like the Affordable Care Act and the abortion issue and we will be faced with very different results from the highest court in the land. 

We urge the Congress, especially the Senate, to make the right decision and to watch out for the majority interests of the people.

         大法官之仼命   考驗選民之智慧


引發了政黨及白宮間之緊張情勢如果大法官之任命成功美國最高法院將把保守派大法官佔有絶對優勢 也會導至今後在最高法院之判決對自由派造成致命的傷害。

在白宮記者會上, 川普總統被問到是否可以讓白宮政權順利交接時他回答這要看當時之情形而定 他對於目前已經在進行的通訊投票表示極度不滿 但是共和黨方面保证如果民主黨勝出,一定會和平移交政權。

我們號稱是世界民主政治之典範令人擔憂的是總統之談話和大法官之仼命 正在考驗我們全體選民之智慧。
