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美國新冠疫情日記 10/02

美國新冠疫情日記 10/02

The World Rocked -Trump Tests Positive

President Trump Confirmed Friday Morning That He And First Lady Melania Have Tested Positive For Coronavirus

This diagnosis is the most serious known health threat to a sitting president in decades. At the age of 74, Trump falls into the highest risk category for serious complications from the disease which has killed more than 200,000 Americans and more than one million worldwide.

In his tweet, President Trump wrote, “Tonight @FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER.”

The White House issued a new schedule to reflect several canceled events including a fund raising event in DC and a rally in Florida.

The President’s aide Hope Hicks tested positive earlier and she probably contracted the virus from an interaction with a supporter. Hicks joined the Trump organization working in public relations with Ivanka Trump and moved to Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign early in the race.

There are many questions that need to be answered. If the President is still in quarantine for the next two weeks, will the second debate be cancelled?

The Presidential election is just one month away. This news will have extraordinary repercussions and will affect the future of the nation and the world.

President Trump has ignored the virus warnings and insisted that states reopen the schools and businesses. He complained during recent rallies about Democratic governors who have maintained strict lockdowns to prevent the spread of the virus.

With Trump testing positive, the White House faces a very serious challenge. We urge all the leaders in Congress and the Vice President to call emergency meetings to discuss the next political developments.

川普總統確診 世界震撼

川普總統在今晨發出的推文中,承諾他和第一夫人梅蘭妮皆確診為新冠疫情為陽性,並且會立即展開居家隔離, 這項消息立即震撼全球,至今為止, 世界各地死亡人數已經超過一百萬人, 美國更居全球之冠有二十多萬人已經喪生。



距離大選投票只剩下一個月, 川普總統之碓診帶來了巨大的變數, 現年七十四歲的他是否抵得過這次之疫情, 目前尚是未知數 ,依據憲法规定, 副總統將在總統無法執行任務時繼仼,對於總統大選將會帶來極大之變數。

近月來,我們看到川普各種造势活動中和群眾都不戴口罩,成為國民最坏的示範,他這種所謂強勢作風 ,為國家帶來無窮之後患。

今年是我們多災多難的不幸年份,瘟疫帶來的重創,加上人為之因素, 真把我們平民百姓陷在水深火熱之中。