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美國新冠疫情日記 10/14

美國新冠疫情日記 10/14


The Hotel Industry Is Suffering In The Pandemic Crisis

The Presidential election is on Tuesday, November 3rd, but early voting in Texas with long lines and hour-long wait times for thousands of voters at some location has begun. U.S. election projections show several states have already exceeded 20% of their total votes cast at this point in 2016 including Wisconsin, Minnesota, Virginia and Vermont. In Georgia, people stood in voting lines as long as 9 hours to cast their votes. 

With only three weeks until Election Day, many states are already seeing historical levels of early voting as people cast their votes through the mail in the middle of pandemic. 

In this pandemic crisis, the hotel industry got hit the hardest, according to Best Western CEO David King who said, “Almost 38,000 of the nation’s 57,000 hotels will close within six months without further government assistance."

America’s hotels are on life support as the coronavirus pandemic drags on with hundreds of billions of dollars in revenue and some two million related jobs in jeopardy. In 2020, the hotel business in general has shrunk down 65% when compared with 2019. 

The bottom line is: It will be a long time before people feel comfortable checking into hotels again. And even longer before international tourists start filling up rooms again around the world.

We are urging the Congress to take immediate action to get the Stimulus Bill passed soon and come to the rescue of our economy.

大選開始投票 旅館業仍哀鴻遍野

包括德州在內的美國许多州今天展開提前投票數以百萬計的選民在冗長时間之等待中投下神聖一票在威士康辛維吉尼亞喬治亞等州之投票率已超過二 〇一六之選舉,增加了至少百分之二十, 有的選民等上了九個小時才投下一票。

值此疫情仍然未能控制之時全國各地的旅館業正遭受前所未有之挑戰根據旅館業者表示如果得不到政府之紓困 未來半年內全美各地之五萬七千家旅館將會有三萬八千家倒閉。

新冠疫情嚴重打擊旅遊業及航空業務, 即便疫情到時得到控制 也很難重回以往之榮景。

我們呼籲國會及白宮應該立即通過目前擱置的紓困案 伸出援手來挽救美國之经濟。

不到三個星期大選將決定我們國家的領導人請大家投下神聖的一票, 這將是決定個人及國家命運之時刻。