
We Are Proud To Be Chinese American
It was such an honor to join Professor Anne Chao on the Chinese American Antique Road Show at the Museum of Chinese In America in New York.
Dr. Chao is the founder of The Chao Center For Asian Studies at Rice University that was created with a $15 million endowment from the Ting Tsing and Wei Fong Chao Foundation, establishing the Houston Asian American Archive (HAAA) in 2008.
MOCA is a national cultural institution dedicated to telling the untold stories in the making of America through the lens of the Chinese immigrant experience. The beautiful facilities were designed by Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Maya Lin.
We are so glad to tell the stories of Chinese Americans in Houston, Texas. Ms. Linda Wu and her family were early pioneers in Texas. Her father, Albert Gee, was our community leader for so many years. He was a restaurant owner who started Chinese and Asian food in Houston, Texas. He was Chinatown’s unofficial mayor. Today, Linda still continues her sponsorship of the Houston Miss Chinatown Beauty pageant. It has become one of most important events in our city.
In a TV show interview, I told our host Dr. Chao that our saying that we as Chinese Americans are mainstream is because of our our many contributions to this great land and our important part in building a better society.
Almost one hundred years ago, Chinese labor came to America to help build the railroad. During WWII, many Chinese Americans joined the war to fight against Japanese aggression. We are so very proud of our contributions in many areas.
Today our nation is still facing the crisis of the coronavirus pandemic that is still attacking our community. Many Chinese Americans have lost their businesses while many politicians still use China as an issue to attack China. We are very regretful that all these developments are very disgusting to our society.
We want to let the general public know that we are here as citizens of this great nation. We are fighting for equal rights in this political fight.
今晨有幸參加了莱斯大學趙沈允教授為紐約華人博物館舉辦的視訉電視節目, 該館於一九八〇年在曼哈頓唐人街創立,於二〇〇九年遷入由建築師林櫻設計的新館址, 主要展示有關華人二百年來在美國淘金、生活的歷史文物,並存有華人在美國成立之許多歷史事跡。
趙教授在萊斯大學主持德州華人口述歷史計劃, 先後共訪問了上百位各界人士,記錄了他們在德州地區奮鬥之故事。
在今午之訪談中,我告訴眾多現場參與之观眾們, 今天在美國這個各族裔之大鎔爐中, 華裔對美國社會所做之貢獻絕對是有目共賭, 因為我們熱愛這片土地,因而選擇為安身立命之地, 我們就是社會的主流 ,大家要抬頭挺胸, 力爭上游, 爭取政治上的權利。
歷史是一面明鏡, 在美國建國兩百多年來, 美利堅共和國是由來自世界各地角落而且勤奮的移民所建造,並非政客們三言兩語就把大家的功勞抹杀。
大選即將到來,疫情仍然猖獗 ,我們的處境已經變成世界的笑話, 不論环境如何惡劣 ,大家仍然要挺直腰桿 ,勇往直前,更要以華裔美人為榮。
( 图片来源: 路透社)