美國新冠疫情日記 10/27

We Must Go To Vote
With only one week left until Election Day, more than 60 million votes have already been cast.
Early voting is rising around the country amid the continuing coronavirus pandemic with the states reporting record voting turnout by mail or early voting in person.
We are so glad that in our own community, there is also a rush of a lot of early voters. Many community leaders have urged their friends to go and vote to show their support for the right candidate.
In Florida, Democrats were leading Republicans last week by 18 percentage points in terms of ballots already cast. As the coronavirus cases rise, President Trump is facing a re-election challenge similar to Jimmy Carter in 1980 when he lost votes because of a recession and the inability to free the American hostages seized by Iran.
Trump’s polling deficit today of around 10 percentage points matches Carter’s popular vote deficit against Ronald Reagan who won by a 44 state landslide.
We are also very glad that many political action groups, including AAPI, are encouraging all the people of our community to go out and vote in Harris County. We now even have translated ballots in Chinese and Vietnamese so many of us can fully read all the details.
In this election we have many Asian Americans running for public office. We really need to support them, not only financially, but most importantly is to go out and vote for the best qualified.
The world is changing in this critical time. If you look at the people around you, a lot of them are not able to survive. They need help from you and the government.
I felt so bad when I heard that a lot of my friends in the motel and hotel business, without the federal government’s help in the next six months, most of them will be shut down.
We urge all of you to go out and vote. You must do it because we need the change. We need to support each other in many ways.
截止今天為止,全國各地投票人數已超過六千萬,當疫情繼續在各州泛濫的時候,許多選民迫不急待先去提早投票, 我們也非常高興看到自己社區的選民也積極加入投票之行列。
根據最新數據顯示, 在搖擺州佛羅里達之投票人之中,民主黨已經領先共和黨百分之十八。
就如一九八〇年時之選舉相似, 川普此刻之處境和卡特之選情十分相似, 当時卡特面臨經濟上之不景氣 ,外交上未能妥善處理美國外交人員被伊朗绑架事件, 當年的大選雷根在四十四州獲得全勝。
世界真的變了, 看看你周圍的友人,多少人在病痛及生活之煎熬中, 他們需要我們伸出援手, 我所認識許多從事旅遊及旅館行業者表示, 如何未來三到四個月疫情未見好轉, 可能有三分之一會倒閉, 也將導致銀行之呆賬大增。
我們要再度呼籲大家應立即去投下神聖的一票,絕不可坐以待斃, 大家一起來反轉我們的命運吧。
( 图片来源: 路透社)