美國新冠疫情日記 10/31
![美國新冠疫情日記 10/31](https://scdaily.com/images/uwpHWnl9lJQ5LYgZc74RYeJcRoPOofmb5Q5myc9x.png)
We Will Televise Live On Election Day
More than 9 million people have voted early in the state of Texas surpassing the state’s total turnout from the 2016 general election. Texas cast a total of 8.96 million ballots in the 2016 presidential election according to the Secretary of State.
Mail-in ballots continued to flow in from all over the state. Early voting in Texas started on October 13th with thousands of voters facing long lines and waiting hours to cast their ballots at some locations.
Our news team will televise the Tuesday, November 3rd election results and many scholars and community leaders have been invited to join us on the TV show.
For many people in our community this was the first time they have ever been so excited about an election.
Sadly, the U.S. has now surpassed 9 million coronavirus cases. The country reported 89,521 COVID-19 cases on Thursday -- the highest single day total in the country yet. Europe has once again become the epicenter of the globe. France now will begin a four-week lockdown and Germany will put new restrictions into effect beginning next week.
Since early this year, our colleagues have stood by their positions to report the news of any coronavirus improvement, decline or recovery. Up until today, almost nine months have passed and we still don’t see any recovery signs to report. In fact, the number of new cases being reported are on the rise.
This presidential election is touching so many and its outcome is directly related to the future of millions of people. We will again be on the front line to let you know the news every step of the way through our television station election coverage.
我們的媒體團隊決定於十一月三日投票開票當天, 從晚上七時開始做現場直播, 並邀請中外學者專家當場解評選情 ,以服務全球之觀眾。
自從疫情發生以來 ,我們工作同仁始終站在新聞最前線, 不懼病情之嚴重 ,繼續在工作崗位上奮戰。
今天非常不幸,美國全國已超過九百萬人碓診 ,歐洲各國更是哀鸿遍野,法國已經封城,我們還未見到光明之曙光。
在人類歷史的過程中 ,我們正在遭受黑暗的時刻, 美國號称世界老大及強國,至今仍然束手無策, 這是何等的羞歉呢。