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美國新冠疫情日記 11/05

美國新冠疫情日記 11/05

   From Divide To United?
Is this Democracy working for progress?Officials in the key battleground states still have mountains of uncounted absentee ballots as president Trump cast doubt on their work.
Biden early on called for patience while workers continued to count the ballots. The Trump campaign requested a recount in Wisconsin as the Republican party scaled up for a large legal battle saying that they have thousands of volunteer lawyers and several law firms already on retainer in these battleground states.

We really can’t predict who will be the final winner and become the president of the United States. But one thing is for sure: the people of the world are watching our election because America will still be leading the world for many years to come.
We all hope when this election battle is over that we can sit down and talk about our shared future.

We need to go from a divided nation to a united country. So many of us are from different parts of the globe. Our goal was very simple - just looking fof a better life for us and our next generation. When you look at the recent coronavirus pandemic, many people are our brothers and sisters and just suffering so much. Most of them are at the bottom of society and not the rich class.

Our president and political leaders have responsibility to serve them all.
We urge all our people when the ordeal is over to reconsider our community to be united and not divided.

   重整國魂 美國精神

美國大選計票工作正在進行,川普總統之共和黨陣營已經下令向州政府提出法律挑戰, 希望停止有關計票工作,這種公然挑戰美國憲法之舉動,被政界批評為匪夷所思,也是對身為世界民主政體模範的美國老大是件非常諷刺丟人之事,所幸,各州州政府不顧老大的要脅,繼續算票,希望到最後有圓滿之結果。

我們看來, 美國大選變天的機率非常高, 對拜登而言, 在全國國民之殷切希望下, 我們希望在國內立即拯救新冠疫情及癱瘓的經濟, 在對外關係方面 ,立即向世界各國傳達積極重回國際社會之行動, 在國際關係之準則下, 重整和世界各國之關係。

我們要非常自信的宣示,美國仍然是世界最强大的國家, 我們仍然希望和各國合作發展, 共謀世界和平, 而不是製造糾紛。