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美國新冠疫情日記 11/06

美國新冠疫情日記  11/06

     We Are Writing New Pages Of History 

Nineteen former U.S. attorneys, all of whom served under Republican presidents, issued a joint statement today calling President Trump’s legal threats and claims of fraud and his false declaration of victory, “premature, baseless and reckless.”

They called on the president to wait patiently and respectfully and allow the lawful vote-counting process to continue in accordance with applicable federal and state laws. President Trump claimed again that some legitimate tallying efforts should be stopped and again tried to assert his victory in the election. 

While votes were still being counted, former Vice President Joe Biden broke the record for most votes received by a presidential candidate, amassing more than 70 million. The record was formally held by Barack Obama who received 69,498,516 votes in 2008. 

So far, in the 2020 Presidential Election, we are setting a record of voting that is the highest ever recorded in the history of the country.

The U.S. Presidential Election has really caught worldwide attention, especially with our allies all around the world. 

In the last several years, because of Trump’s policies under his Make America Great Again initiatives, we have been withdrawing from international organizations and partnerships, and most regrettably, this has led to the cooling down of the relationship with China which has happened at the worst time ever. 

The United States has been the leader of the world in the last hundred years. We are a nation of immigrants. We are the model for the world of a democratic nation. Today our election chaos is causing us to write some of the darkest pages in all of our history.


十九位曾經在共和黨總統任內任職的聯邦檢察官今天發表共同聲明,指责川普總統自行宣佈當選是一項極為不妥及毫無法律之行為 ,並呼籲總統要讓各州依法把選票順利統計以決定最後之當選人。

截至目前為止,民主黨候選人拜登全國得票數為七千萬人已超過前任奧巴馬得票數全國投票人數是一億三千多萬, 創下有史以來之最高紀錄。

美國大選正在緊扣世界各國政要之注意力, 尤其是美國在世界各地之盟邦, 如果拜登入主白宮, 顯然和川普之外交政策有巨大差異 至少他會在國際大环境之架構下重回世界舞台, 尤其和中國大陸之關係, 在川普主政期間已經到了完全決裂之地步。


(  图片来源: 路透社)