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美國新冠疫情日記 11/07

美國新冠疫情日記 11/07

        The Whole World Is Waiting

The 2020 election has now almost come to an end. There is still a lot to be determined, but we know that the nation has successfully pulled off another election. Under incredible circumstances and with this record high turnout, we should be very proud. 

But in the meantime, even the Democratic Party will be winning. President Donald Trump has offered little indication that he was prepared to concede defeat, even as the vote totals now show him trailing former Vice President Joe Biden in key battleground states. 

Trump has not prepared a concession speech and in conversation with allies in recent days, he has said he has no intention of conceding the election. 

In Asia, American allies are very worried about what is going on. In America, in Europe, including France and Germany, other political leaders are also watching very closely how the new administration will take care of world affairs. 

Trump campaign general counsel Matt Morgan said that this election is not over. 

We are looking forward to a speedy resolution of the election. The world is also expecting that the United States will continue to work with them.


2020 美國總統大選之最後計工作正在日夜進行中值此新冠疫情蔓延擴散之時, 全國國民仍然完成投下一億三千五百萬張選票,也是我們大家值得驕傲之大事。

雖然數字显示拜登已經勝券在握, 但是川普總統仍然沒有任何放棄之跡象, 拜登和他的幕僚已經在著手準備接管政權。

此次美國大選引起全球高度關注, 尤其是在世界各地美國的盟邦, 如果拜登上台他在對外關係之处理將和川普大相径庭, 尤其是處理亞洲問題上。

對世界人民而言美國之領導地位仍然非常重要白宮主人對世界政治经濟之影響力仍然居首我們欣見美國能重返國際社會之大家庭, 共存共榮。

我們熱烈期盼大選結果能讓美國再返國家正常運作, 更希望新政府尽快挽救失控的疫情。

我們更要奉勸政客們要知所進退 否則會被拋棄在歷史的長河中。

(   图片来源: 路透社)