美國新冠疫情日記 11/ 10

Change Is Coming
President-elect Biden announced a 12-person coronavirus task force today. The group will focus on the growing coronavirus pandemic, while for the third straight day the nation has surpassed 100,000 new cases.
Today the drug maker Pfizer made a very exciting announcement. An early look at the data from its coronavirus vaccine testing shows that it is more than 90% effective and much better than expected. The vaccine requires two doses, one month apart. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla called the coronavirus vaccine the greatest medical advancement in the world’s last one hundred years.
There are five ways Joe Biden says the U.S. coronavirus response will change when he’s president: Increased testing and contract tracing; Additional investment in vaccines and treatments; Mandatory masks and more PPEs; A push for clear consistent evidence based on guidance; Rejoining WHO and searching for future threats.
President Trump is so far refusing to sign off on a key document needed to formally begin the government transition process while he continues to refuse to concede the race.
We are urging the president-elect to pay attention not only to the pandemic and to the economy. We also need to look at the U.S. international affairs and rejoin the international community to lead the world again.
總統當選人拜登今天宣佈了十二位公衛專家组成的委員會, 準備對新冠疫情緊急救治工作, 目前美國全国每天確診人數仍然處於十萬人以上之高峯。
今天傳來了新冠疫苗接近成功的好消息, 輝瑞製藥公司研製之疫苗已經達到百分之九十以上有效 ,這項成果是醫學界百年來之重大成就。
拜登巳就如何拯救疫情提出五項建議 ,其中包括加強測驗及追蹤, 增加疫苗研究及治療, 強制全民戴口罩 ,制定明確規範, 立即返回世界衛生組織。
截止今天為止, 白宮方面仍然沒有和拜登陣營联繫, 川普總統已經決定打一場司法戰, 但是世界各地政要已紛紛向拜登發出賀電 ,這場政治爭奪戰尚在進行中。
這㘯大選之後, 世界各國及美國國內顯然大家都轻松了。