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美國新冠疫情日記 11/11

美國新冠疫情日記  11/11

White Flags Touched Our Heart

Dr. Richard Besser, former Centers For Disease Control and Prevention Acting Director said that he was optimistic the pandemic response will soon be under new federal leadership, noting that in the meantime, the states need to step up.

President-elect Joe Biden has named a new coronavirus advisory board to help with the pandemic response as he transitions into the presidency.

Besser said that the challenge will be getting through the winter with the coronavirus response still being led by the Trump administration.

Today I was watching thousands of small white flags standing sentinel outside the D.C. Armory in the southeast near RFK stadium.

Suzanne Brennan Fristenberg spent two months getting the approval to install over 220,000 white flags outside the D.C. Armory to represent the country’s COVID-19 deaths.

She said, “I know how valuable each life is, because I’ve had the opportunity and the honor to be with people at very difficult time in their lives, as they’re saying goodbye.”

How touching are her words. We don’t understand the politicians in our capital that are still fighting for their political power while they totally ignore the pandemic that is still killing our sisters and brothers. They don’t care about it.

After Biden’s Saturday victory speech, President Trump still wants to fight a legal battle. 

As ordinary citizens we only care that the virus is still attacking our community. We still don’t see that this administration has taken any measures to come and rescue us.

  白旗遍地 痛心疾首



拜登總統當選人已任命十三位全國醫療顧問,立即展開對病毒之戰鬥, 這種以人命為先的精神令人敬佩。


今天看看在華府政壇上正在上演的政治大戲川普總統仍不顧人民苦痛, 繼續在球㘯上打小白球我們真是痛心疾首無語問蒼天啊!!

( 图片来源: 路透)