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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/27

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/27

我見 我聞 我思


總統當選人拜登在最近的演說中再度宣示 美國已經回來了”, 這是多么令人振奮的呼喚聲, 它代表了新政府將重新佈局回到國際社會,領導世界之地位。

過去幾年來我們以美國再度強大之號召不斷退出各種國際組織其中包括《巴黎氣候協定》《 伊核協議> 國際衛生組織 國際教科文組織等, 此舉對於世界和平和進步造成巨大之傷害也削弱了美國在世界上领導地位。

更不幸的是今年年初開始全球遭受新冠疫情之無情襲捲諸如世界衛生組織由于美國之退出無法整合全球醫療之力量, 災情一發不可收拾, 美國更首當其中, 也讓當初認為勝卷在握的川普慘遭出局。

我們欣見拜登領導之外交國安團隊, 將遵循國際關係之大架構重新回到國際大家庭, 發揮美國之力量來重新領導世界。

America Is Back

When President-elect Joe Biden formally introduced his national security team and declared, “America is back,” he said, “Our team will keep our country and our people safe and secure. It’s a team that reflects the fact that America is back.”

In the last few years, the Trump administration has continued to withdraw from the international community. This has included cutting ties with the Paris Climate Agreement, WHO and the Iran Nuclear Agreement, and because of the “Make America Great Again” plan, we have damaged our interests and relationships all around the world.

Especially now since the coronavirus pandemic has attacked the entire world, and with the lack of U.S. participation with other countries, the situation has only gotten worse, and at the end of the day, we are the country that has now been most seriously affected in the world with more than a quarter of a million of people having lost their lives.

Today we are so happy that the Biden administration will bring us back to the international community. We will work with all the countries around the world to rebuild international order and peace. In other words, America is back to lead the world again.