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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/30

大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 11/30

我見 我思 我聞


拜登總統當選人即將任命曾任中央銀行總裁的耶倫女士出任新政府的財政部長, 她誓言將把美國未來的財經政策重回全球化的舞台。

她批評川普政府對中國大陸扣徴高關稅的強硬作法, 對於美國企業幫助不大加收關稅等於增加國民之負擔而在高科技及5G 問題上得不到解決方案。

她認為川普的雙邊贸易所導致之貿易战會導致美國之經濟衰退危機, 她對於美國不断退出領導國際之地位表示十分憂心並力主支持世界貿易組織。

今年初來新冠疫情在全球造成的巨大海嘯風暴使各國經濟普遍受到重創, 世界兩大经濟體美國和中國大陸之貿易關稅大戰造成世界經濟之震撼, 川普利用所有之力量要置中國大陸於死地“ 包括加拿大、 墨西哥及歐洲各國都在他美國優先之政策下打破了世界多邊贸易及经濟架構之規範造成全球一片混亂及不安。

我們欣見耶倫女士領導的財經團隊會重新開啟和中國大陸及世界各國之談判以和平合理互利之方式來重建美國在國際社會的領導地位, 這才是全世界人民之福。

We Return To The World Economic Stage

President-elect Joe Biden is expected to name Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary to oversee the national economic and national security agendas.

In her role, she will face the challenge of re-engaging with American allies that have been put off by President Trump’s “America First” economic policies and his use of tariffs. She will also face the government’s borrowing spree which is financed by issuing Treasury securities and has now pushed the U.S. budget deficit to levels not seen since World War II.

Ms. Yellen also criticized Trump’s focus on bilateral trade deficits. She described tariffs on China as a tax on American consumers and warned that his trade war with China posed a risk of a recession.

Yellen has also expressed concerns about whether the U.S. is in a retreat from the role of international leadership under Trump.

We are very happy that the new Secretary of the Treasury understands that globalization and trade liberalization raises growth and lowers poverty around the world.

So many troublesome situations are facing our society today. We all hope that the new Biden administration will follow the international norms and systems because we really need the peace and prosperity now.