大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/01

我見 我聞 我思
美洲大陸正在遭受寒流之侵襲,美東各地雪花遍地, 美南地區今晚氣溫下探三十度, 是新冠疫情發生以來最寒冷的一夜。
當寒流籠罩着大地, 疫情之蔓延如野火肆虐,確診人數在美國以每週百萬人之驚人時速將所有醫院的病床佔滿,醫療專家估計,到今年春天每天死亡人數將超過二千二百人。
笫一架從歐洲比利時飛往美國装滿疫苗之客機已经抵達並已立即向聯邦政府申請核准, 數家製藥公司也正在卯足力氣全力争取把疫苗侭早上架。
這個令人振奮的喜訊,達到大部分人能夠接種,必須有一段時間, 專家們十分担心民眾如何度過今年的冬天。
副總統當選人何錦麗今天在她的家鄉舊金山表示,新政府上任後最緊急的工作是整治新冠疫情及拯救中小企業, 拜登總統當選人今天也發表了新的財经團隊名單,由前聯邦儲備銀行主席耶倫出任財政部部長。
Helping people in winter cold.
Winter storm and cold weather arrived to East and southern United States in Houston Texas reached 30 degree this is the coldest day after coronavirus attacked our nation.
As the drug maker Moderna already applied to FDA on Monday to authorize its coronavirus vaccine for emergency use, federal government will quickly distribute right after FDA approved
We hope these vaccine will into people’s arms before Christmas. These vaccine to be 94.1% affective.
But the medical experts say the coming. O this are going to be just horrible in United States ore than one million new coronavirus cases every week hospitals in the same state are full to bursting. The number of death are rising to surpass the 2200 per day in spring
President elected Biden has assembled excellent team for tackling the pandemic but he just can’t do too much after he become president on January 20 2021
In San Francisco Vice President elected Kamala Harris said the new administration most urgent agenda are to fight with the coronavirus virus and helping small business to survive.
We are so glad help is on the way even in this hard cold winter time.