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大俠行天下日記 我見我聞我思 12/07

大俠行天下日記  我見我聞我思 12/07

我見 我聞 我思


已经是多少年前的事了在我大學時代因為研習外交,一直願望是有天能成為外交官, 但是我的人生確走向新聞媒體的不同道路。

就在去年九月中旬, 我們有機會和榮幸在家中接待了西非幾內亞總統孔戴及內閣部長近三十人之龐大代表團他在宴會上交待外交部長希望任命我為駐休斯敦名譽總領事, 當時我感到一陣突兀,對於總統之交待 也只有允應, 直到今年七月接到美國國務院之通告表示已正式接受我任命。 當天晚上我真是澈夜難眠回憶起從童年時因上初中和父母之相離而不捨的哭泣, 大學時半工半讀的艱辛歲月 走在新聞媒體的道路上 從未想到此時此刻能為非洲和美國之政经交流扮演起外交官的角色。

接到幾內亞駐美國大使楊森之電告, 定於十二月十日上午十時將在會上正式對外宣佈我的任命幾內亞駐休斯敦名譽總領事並將在會中向美國各界人士介紹幾內亞投資機會, 包括農業、 教育、 衛生保健、 基礎建設、 觀光等項目。

從今天開始我正式承擔這些兩國溝通合作之重任, 希望在未來能為兩國之各項交流交出優異的成績單。 也實現我從年輕時之梦想。

My Diplomat Dream

It was many years ago when I was a college student in Taiwan as a major in diplomacy that my big dream was to become a diplomat, but my whole career was later focused on the mass communication media business.

But it just so happened that in September of last year, we had the honor to host a welcome party for the West African country of Guinea’s president, His Excellency Alpha Conde and more than thirty of his cabinet ministers.

During the reception, President Conde asked me to serve as Guinea’s Honorary Consul to Houston. I was quite surprised his offer and immediately accepted his offer. Later this year, in July 2020, I received a diplomatic notice from the U.S. State Department from Guinea’s Ambassador in Washington, D.C., H.E. Kerfalla Yansane, with approval of my appointment as Guinea’s Honorary Consul In Houston. That night I was so excited I could not sleep. Suddenly I remembered that when I was just eleven years old, I had to go to the city from our village to attend middle school. When my dad left me at the school, I cried and didn’t want to let him go. Many years later I had to go to work and when I was in college, my life changed to different stage. I then spent all my career time in the media business and never thought about becoming a diplomat again.

Ambassador Yansane has now called me and he will sponsor a virtual seminar titled, “U.S.-Guinean Opportunities & Introduction Of The New Honorary Consul In Texas.” He will formally introduce me to the general public and business community during this event.

In the meantime, we will cover topics including Trade and Investment, Agriculture, Tourism, Healthcare and Education.

This workshop will also provide the platform to gain insight and update information about Guinea.

It is such an honor and responsibility to serve in the consular position. I will definitely do my best to promote good relations between Texas and Africa.

This is my dream come true.